*This service is not appropriate for cis-men. We welcome all women and gender diverse people including trans-women, trans-men, intersex and non-binary people.
كيف يمكن أن نساعد؟
BMWHRC شامل وصدمة مستنيرة
خدمات صحة المرأة ومقرها في الجبال الزرقاء.
نهدف إلى مكافحة الفجوات في الصحة القائمة على النوع الاجتماعي ونرحب بالنساء من جميع مناحي الحياة.
إذا كنت ترغب في التحدث إلى شخص ما ، أو طرح سؤال أو حجز موعد ، يرجى مراجعة صفحة اتصل بنا.
نحن نتطلع الى الاستماع منك!
Based in Katoomba, our services are available to women living in the Blue Mountains and Lithgow local government areas. We focus on the needs of women from vulnerable populations who are more likely to experience significant disadvantage in accessing health services, and in their experience of health care and health outcomes. Information on our focus communities is available on this website.
We are committed to providing you with high quality health care in a safe environment and our Centre is proudly accredited with AGPAL (Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited).
Browse the website for information about the Centre and our services using the menu above or the slides below. If you would like so speak to someone, ask a question or book an appointment please contact us.
As a small not-for-profit, community-based organisation, we welcome donations to supplement our government funding. If you would like to support women’s health & wellbeing, please visit the Support Us page.