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Our History
Blue Mountains Women’s Health and Resource Centre was established in 1981 to provide health services to women in the Blue Mountains. Since then, we have expanded to provide a wide range of health and support services, groups, and activities to women in the Blue Mountains and Lithgow.
Our Vision
To contribute to creating a community where women*, regardless of their social and cultural background, age, and sexual orientation, will have knowledge and control over their bodies and their lives, living freely and safely, with access to the support they need to enhance their health and well-being.
Our Purpose
Using a feminist approach, we will provide a range of activities that redress women’s disadvantage and promote women’s health and well-being. We will do this through the provision of services to women as individuals, in groups and as part of communities. We will be guided by principles of social justice and equality. We will actively work in partnership with others to build social structures that promote women’s rights and dignity.
Our Governance
The Centre is managed by a community-based management committee made up of experienced and passionate women from the local community who contribute their time voluntarily. The committee are elected every year at our October Annual General Meeting and consists of general committee members, and executive members who also take on the roles of:
• Chairperson
• Vice Chairperson
• Treasurer
• Secretary

We provide a range of women’s* health, social and support services including:
• a women’s* health clinic (staffed by female doctors and registered nurse)
• a free drop-in clinic for young women'*
• counselling
• massage therapy
• group workshops & classes
• information, advice, and referral
• emergency supplies
• study space
Our Focus
We focus on the needs of women who are more likely to experience significant disadvantage in accessing health services, and in their experience of health care and health outcomes. Information on our focus communities is available here. We also support young women to access health services and provide social and wellbeing activities for all women.
Our Approach
Women’s Health Centres operate from a feminist framework. This means that we recognise the social, economic, environmental, physical, emotional, mental, and cultural factors influencing a woman’s health and well-being.
We strive to:
• make the Centre as accessible and welcoming as possible. If you are having difficulty accessing our services or would like to make a suggestion, please contact us.
• have culturally appropriate services and programs, health promotion and community development activities.
• enable women to explore emotional and health issues in a safe and supportive environment.
• provide assessment, information, advocacy, and referrals.
• involve local women in the design and decisions relating to Centre services & offerings.
• lobby decision-makers to ensure women's health and wellbeing is made a priority.
• have effective governance, policies, systems, staff, training, planning, evaluation, and financial controls.
• be open, ethical, and accountable.
Our Staff
Our staff are deeply committed to the philosophy and purpose of the Centre:
• to redress women’s disadvantage by promoting women’s health, well-being, rights, and dignity.
• the delivery of professional and holistic clinical, counselling, allied health, and support services.
• and advocating for women’s health and wellbeing.
Our Funding
The Centre is a community-based and not for profit organisation funded by a mix of government and other sources, including donations and fundraising.
Our major funding is received from:
• NSW Health through the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NBMLHD).
• NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
• The Department of Social Services (DSS).
• as well other project grants and support.
We welcome and appreciate donations from our generous community. Information on how to donate is available HERE.
Our Standards
The Blue Mountains Women’s Health and Resource Centre is a member of Women’s Health NSW, the peak body for 20 non-government community-based women’s health and specialist centres in NSW.
We are committed to providing high quality health care in a safe environment. The Centre is proudly accredited with AGPAL (Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited) and upholds the Australian Service Excellence Standards - quality standards for community service organisations developed for the sector by the sector.
More information on the Centre, our activities, and achievements, is available in our Annual Report.

*This service is not appropriate for cis-men. We welcome all women and gender diverse people including trans-women, trans-men, intersex and non-binary people.