At the Centre
BMWHRC provides massage to women who are experiencing chronic pain and/or chronic illness, prioritising appointments to women from our funded focus communities.
The Massage Therapist will conduct an initial consult and guide you through a treatment plan based on your needs.
Our aim is to:​
• Reduce chronic pain and help with pain management
• Address the impacts of complex trauma
• Improve sleep quality
• Achieve greater flexibility
• Release physical tension and pain
• Pregnant mothers to have a healthier, relaxed, and comfortable pregnancy
Due to the demand for this program and ensure equity, there is a limit to the number of appointments a woman can receive of 4 appointments in a six-month period.
If you would like to find out more, please contact us at BWHRC reception. They will provide you with information regarding the service, fees and ask some initial questions to see if we are able to book you an appointment.